An Invitation from the Mystery Man Hint Page (English Version)
Thank you for playing “An Invitation from the Mystery Man”!
Use this hint page if you are stuck on a puzzle and need some help!
STEP 1 Colorful Circles: For those who are unsure of the colors.
The colors of the circles in clockwise order from the top is: Brown, Yellow, Red, White, Pink, Orange, Green, Purple, Blue.
What is my name?
That’s right, my name is “Mystery Man”. The answer lies within my name.
How many letters are in “M y s t e r y M a n”?
Did you see anything in the venue that has a white flower, a pot of nectar, and a blue background?
Do exactly as the instructions tell you to – Take a photo with your flash on!
Use your smartphone to take a photo of the entire photo frame with flash, and you should see some letters appear in your photo.
3. For those who are unsure of the colors.
The right circle is red and the left circle is green.
Take note of the special border surrounding the green and red circles. Did you see this border anywhere else in your game kit? Look for the border and a similar green and red circle on another sheet of paper you have, and connect the circles to get your answer.
What does it mean by “end of the final”?
Look at the words as individual letters instead of one word. Can you figure out what is at the end of the “f i n a l”?
Tracing Paper: For those who are unsure of the color.
The color of the borders of 2 and 5, 7 and 8 are yellow.
5: For those who are unsure of the colors.
The key in “(1) The other side of the red key drawn on the floor” has a star-shaped mark.
First, you have to search for the red key on the floor somewhere. It should not be difficult to find.
When you find it, think about what “the other side” means.
Of course, in this elegant puzzle-solving game, it’s unthinkable to peel off something that is pasted on the floor, so that can’t be the answer.
It is important to figure out what floor you are on when you find the red key.
If you need more hints for this puzzle, read the next hint below.
The red key is on the ground, is there is another floor below that?
Where would the “other side” of the red key be?
You will find the answer on the “other side” of the floor where the red key is.
Think about it in three dimensional space.
Each circle represents a letter. Spell out what the image is and fit the letters into the circles.
Pick out the letters that correspond with the numbers 1-6.
If you need more hints for this puzzle, read the next hint below.
The top most image is a “bus”.
The letter that corresponds with the number 1 is “s”, and the letter that corresponds with the number 2 is “u”.
Therefore, the first two letters of the answer is “s” and “u”.
First, figure out the rule of the cycle for the vertical puzzle.
What systematic rule can be represented by three letters and has a “SUN” in it?
If you need more hints for this puzzle, read the next hint below.
“SUN” refers to Sunday. The cycle is the days of the week: MON→TUE→WED→THU→FRI→SAT→SUN
After filling in the correct letters into the circles, what word do you get on the top most horizontal line?
How to use: For those who are unsure of the colors.
2. The three colors from the left are: Purple, Green, Orange.
4. The three colors from the left are: Red, Yellow, Brown.
First, make sure you have solved all three puzzles (1), (2) and (3). Then, all you have to do is follow the instructions in the “How to Use” section on the bottom left.
You should have a sheet that has 3 small circles on it. Use that item to overlap with another sheet of paper such that the 3 small circles match the 3 colors in the instructions at the same time. Don’t forget to draw 4 lines with the pencil on the sheet with the 3 circles.
First, look for where there is a “1” and “3” on one of your sheets.
Next, think about how STOP and GO can be matched to “1” and “3”.
If you need more hints for this puzzle, read the next hint below.
If “1” is STOP and “3” is GO, “2” which is in the middle of the two, must mean CAUTION.
What can STOP, CAUTION, and GO be represented by?
If you need more hints for this puzzle, read the next hint below.
Realize that STOP, CAUTION, and GO can be represented by a traffic light.
You need to use the translucent sheet.
Line up the red circle representing STOP with the circle with “1” on the translucent sheet, and the green circle representing GO with the circle with “3” in it.
This way, the yellow circle representing CAUTION naturally comes in between the red and the green circle, creating a traffic light.
If you need more hints for this puzzle, read the next hint below.
Did you manage to create a traffic light with both sheets of paper?
By using the STEP 1 paper and overlapping the translucent sheet over it, you should have been able to make a traffic light by following the rules above.
Once you have done this, you should notice that a new sentence has formed somewhere on the same surface.
Look carefully at the areas where the shapes and lines on the translucent sheet overlaps with the STEP 1 sheet below it. Where have some words changed?
If you need more hints for this puzzle, read the next hint below.
A change has occurred when you created the traffic light.
Look carefully at puzzle ❷ on the STEP 1 sheet underneath the translucent sheet.
Some words from puzzle ❷ have been “striked out” by the lines you drew onto the translucent sheet in the previous step! Read the sentence in puzzle ❷ again – this time with the new words that have formed due to the striked out letters.
If you need more hints for this puzzle, read the next hint below.
The new sentence that has formed reads “connect white and blue and the words that appear is the final answer”.
This is the final step. What does it mean by “connect white and blue”?
You did the same thing in STEP 1 where you connected two different colors and read the letters in between them.
Do the same thing, but this time connecting white and blue.
We hope that you manage to solve this final puzzle on your own.